
Where can I buy Missees?!

We get that question all the time! Please have a look at the list of stores that we have found. And please let us know if Missees are available at your store too.

Feel free to email me or contact Studio Light to tell us more.

And make sure you tag us and use #missees in your Missees promotional posts on Instagram and Facebook so we get a chance to share them with our followers too.

Please email us for additional information and content for your webshop or blog. Also if you'd like a live presentation in your facebookgroup.

Thank you,




M i s s e e s,  the story

August 2020

After a very intens design process in recent months, my new collection for Studio Light is finally finished and we are now waiting for the products to be released from the factory. May I introduce you to  Missees!

About five years ago I sketched out my first Missees. And now it was about time to turn these into beautiful products for the world of paper crafters.

Missees are girls which you can create from a modular system that can adopt a great variety in appearances based on your creativity.

Missees are expressive, versatile, stylish, trendy, very girly and  just loving life!


I find various aspects of my own personality in Missees. And I hope others will have that same experience. Because Missees can be any girl or woman.

So what will your Missees look like?!


Missees the Collection







please click the images to enlarge


In these next video's you will find an overview of some of the possibilities with the various dies. More videos will follow to inspire and instruct crafters that want to get creative with Missees. These video's will be available for download.

(no sound)

(no sound)

Products List

The complete Missees collection consists of the following products:

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
For questions on sales, please contact Studio Light.

Karin Joan handtekening
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